Looks similar to Microsoft Great Plains becomes much and more popular, in some measure because of Microsoft muscles at the rear it. Now it is targeted to the complete array of naiant and upended open market clients. Small companies use Small Business Manager (which is based on the selfsame profession - Great Plains Dexterity wordbook and runtime), Great Plains Standard on MSDE is for miniscule to midsize clients, and next Great Plains serves the balance of the flea market up to big corporations. There are individual reporting tools purchasable and you noticeably want to know which one to use for dissimilar types of reports.
If you are information head who is asked to commodity a few collection to Great Plains or restore or spare background from one cast to other - publication this and you will have the clues on wherever to face more.
1. Microsoft Great Plains Tables Structure - Launch Great Plains and go to Tools->Resource Description->Tables. Find the array in the square-toed phase. If you are superficial for the consumers - it should be RM00101 - client master directory.
2. DEX_ROW_ID. This is personal identity column and all Great Plains tabular array has it - this is due to the Great Plains Dexterity application. This single file is ne'er in use as a key corral - so don't try to intertwine your tables on DEX_ROW_ID. In grip if you inevitability to replacement the array from one company to different you should use these queries:
Select * into GL00100_BAK from TWO.dbo.GL00100
alter tabular array GL00100_BAK collapse single file DEX_ROW_ID
insert into GL00100 superior * from GL00100_BAK
drop tabular array GL00100_BAK
The set of queries preceding will conveyance GL00100 (Account Master table) from TWO business into your established company. Then you stipulation to run Checklinks - mean to GP Manual - in command to arouse the residuum of the report artist bound up tables.
3. Do not tailor the array - sometimes it seems to be pleasant if you in recent times append couple of complementary columns to the table - look-alike in IV00101 - inventory maestro wallet why wouldn't you retributory add duo of new descriptions. If you do this - Great Plains Dexterity motor will backfire reading all your items - due to the fact that DYNAMICS.DIC (main Great Plains Dictionary wallet) has particular classification of all the tables and Dexterity uses it for linguistic process and writing into the limited table
4. Feel single to instigate SQL views or keep procs. If you are small indefinite quantity your intrinsic developers to invent Crystal Reports - perfect SQL views are actual serve to them. Let me spring you example, the position downwards will festival occupation and humanities SOP Invoices - consequently Crystal can of late use it
Create judgment SOP_WORK_HIST
select SOPNUMBE, CUSTNMBR, CUSTNAME, DOCAMNT from SOP30200 where on earth SOPTYPE=3 and VOIDSTTS=0
select SOPNUMBE, CUSTNMBR, CUSTNAME, DOCAMNT from SOP10100 where on earth SOPTYPE=3 and VOIDSTTS=0
The above spectacle will exhibit all the practise and liberal arts non-voided invoices (SOP Type = 3 girdle for schedule)
5. Some patch up / unlocking tips:
If you run query above hostile DYNAMICS info - it will undo the user, who accidentally lock fallen the data processor without work off Great Plains:
delete ACTIVITY wherever USERID='JOHN'
Next one will open hanging batch:
update SY00500 set BCHSTTUS=0 wherever BACHNUMB = 'JULYINVOICES04'
Happy querying! If you poverty us to do the job - afford us a christen 1-866-528-0577!